Our Blog
How Prescription Eyewear Is Made
Eyeglasses are an amazing invention, aren’t they? For centuries, prescription lenses have helped to restore people’s vision and protect their eyes from damage caused by the sun’s ultraviolet radiation and glare, in addition to blue light that comes...
5 Eye Conditions You May Inherit from Your Mother
It’s almost Mother’s Day — time to celebrate moms and everything they do. To all of the great moms we see each day in our offices, taking excellent care of their children’s health and wellbeing, in addition to all of the other priorities that...

How Prescription Eyewear Is Made
Eyeglasses are an amazing invention, aren’t they? For centuries, prescription lenses have helped to restore people’s vision and protect their eyes from damage caused by the sun’s ultraviolet radiation and glare, in addition to blue light that comes...

5 Eye Conditions You May Inherit from Your Mother
It’s almost Mother’s Day — time to celebrate moms and everything they do. To all of the great moms we see each day in our offices, taking excellent care of their children’s health and wellbeing, in addition to all of the other priorities that...
Student Athletes Back to Sports
Are Your Student Athlete’s Eyes In Top Shape for the Season? Fall is in the air! If you haven’t already had your first pumpkin spice latte or seen your first football game—what’re you waiting for? Now that the school year is in session, for...
17 Visual Skills Kids Need to Succeed
The 17 Visual Skills Kids (and Adults) Need to Succeed in Life Back-to-school season is an ideal time to schedule a comprehensive eye exam for your children. Why? Because it’s critical to ensure that they’re seeing their absolute best and that all aspects...
Ready to Go Back to School?
Is Your Student’s Vision Ready to Go Back to School? It’s back-to-school season! If you’re the parent of a school-age child, you likely have a list of supplies and are busily checking off items to make sure your student has everything they need for a...
Are Contact Lenses a Good Choice for Kids?
A common question many parents have is: "When is my child old enough to wear contact lenses?" Contact lenses can offer several benefits over other forms of vision correction for kids but how do you know the timing is right? Physically, your child's eyes can...
First Aid Tips for Eye Injuries
Even a minor eye injury can cause serious, lifelong eye damage. Bleeding in the eye caused by an eye injury may lead to glaucoma later in life. Eye injuries can cause loss of vision or complete loss of an eye. Eye injuries can happen at any time anywhere. Children in...
Good Vision for School Students
Good Vision….Important for a Successful School Year for Students Parents everywhere are racing to get the entire back to school checklist completed; school supplies, new clothes, bigger shoes and physical exams at the Pediatrician. Eye exams need to be...
Protective and Sports Sunwear
If you play sports, you should keep two things in mind related to your vision: protection and vision performance. Sports lenses protect the wearer’s eyes. Sports such as tennis, baseball, softball and racquetball may have ball speeds of 90 mph or more. In...