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Prevent Pink Eye – Students

Prevent Pink Eye – Students

Back to School Tip: Prevent Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) Now that kids are back in school, they’re around lots of other kids--and lots of other kids’ germs. Viruses and bacteria are present on objects kids touch every day, including door handles, keyboards,...

Digital Eye Strain – Students

Digital Eye Strain – Students

Is Your Student at Risk for Digital Eye Strain and Fatigue? With an ever-increasing amount of technology in schools, back-to-school season can mean more screen time, and that puts kids at risk for digital eye strain and fatigue. What is Digital Eye Strain? From the...

Attention Parents: Amblyopia Treatment

Attention Parents: Amblyopia Treatment

Attention Parents: Earlier is Better for Amblyopia Treatment What is Amblyopia? As the leading cause of visual impairment among children, amblyopia affects approximately 2 to 3 of every 100 children. The condition occurs when vision in one eye is reduced; though the...

School Vision Screening

School Vision Screening

Is a School Vision Screening “Good Enough” for Your Student? It’s August! Where did the summer go? In just a few short weeks your kids will be heading back to school in a flurry of photos and emotions as you watch them start the new school year. You...