Our Blog
9 Surprising Health Conditions an Eye Exam Can Uncover
Did you know that an annual eye exam goes far beyond making sure that you are seeing your best? It is one of the few ways to uncover possible health concerns without imaging, surgery, or blood draws. Your optometrist is actually looking inside of your body as they...
How to Care for Your New Baby’s Vision Development
A New Parent’s Guide to Your Baby’s Vision Development We get it: Having a baby can feel overwhelming. Caring for an adorable new life is a big job, and there’s a lot to learn. One important area of focus new parents sometimes overlook is your...

9 Surprising Health Conditions an Eye Exam Can Uncover
Did you know that an annual eye exam goes far beyond making sure that you are seeing your best? It is one of the few ways to uncover possible health concerns without imaging, surgery, or blood draws. Your optometrist is actually looking inside of your body as they...

How to Care for Your New Baby’s Vision Development
A New Parent’s Guide to Your Baby’s Vision Development We get it: Having a baby can feel overwhelming. Caring for an adorable new life is a big job, and there’s a lot to learn. One important area of focus new parents sometimes overlook is your...
A Thank-You To Patients and Friends
We wish you a safe and healthy holiday season! We realize that many of you — just like many of us — are ending this unprecedented year much differently than we have ever done in the past: By spending the holidays at home, canceling travel plans, avoiding...
5 Questions About Flexible Spending Accounts And Vision Care
With 2020 soon coming to an end, you have only a few weeks left to spend your designated Flexible Spending Account (FSA) funds on eligible health care costs. Many patients ask us which vision-related expenses qualify for reimbursement under an FSA. We thought...
5 Ways to Reduce or Prevent Diabetic Eye Disease
November is American Diabetes Month. It’s estimated that more than 30 million adults over age 18 currently have diabetes, with another 84 million showing signs of prediabetes. For those over age 65, one in four have diabetes and its associated complications. Did...
Dry Eye Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment
Dry Eye Disease occurs when your body doesn’t produce enough tears or the tears produced are not high enough in quality to create a nourishing, lubricating tear film over the front of the eye to protect it. The condition is progressive and often gets worse as...
What is Dry Eye Disease?
You’ve likely heard of Dry Eye disease and the discomfort it can cause. But what is this condition, and who is most likely to suffer from it? Your eyes require tears to lubricate and nourish the cornea – the front surface of your eye. Tears serve many...
What are the Symptoms & Treatment for Cataracts?
June is Cataract Awareness Month, an ideal time to familiarize yourself with the causes, symptoms and treatment of one of the most common eye conditions affecting aging people worldwide. A cataract is a progressive change to the eye’s naturally clear and...
What Causes Cataracts?
June is National Cataract Awareness Month, a common eye condition which is now a leading cause of vision loss in the United States for adults over the age of 40. It’s also a leading cause of blindness worldwide, according to the National Eye Institute. Cataracts...