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Guard Your Vision: It’s Glaucoma Awareness Month
January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, which encourages us to start the year thinking about our precious sense of vision and how to safeguard it. Glaucoma is a thief – a silent “sight thief” associated with gradual and permanent vision loss caused by...
7 New Year’s Resolutions for “Seeing” a Bright 2024!
Who doesn’t love a good New Year’s resolution? Many people begin the New Year with a strategy of being more aware of their health and well-being. Some plan to eat healthier, exercise regularly or quit smoking – which are a great start. But there are...

Guard Your Vision: It’s Glaucoma Awareness Month
January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, which encourages us to start the year thinking about our precious sense of vision and how to safeguard it. Glaucoma is a thief – a silent “sight thief” associated with gradual and permanent vision loss caused by...

7 New Year’s Resolutions for “Seeing” a Bright 2024!
Who doesn’t love a good New Year’s resolution? Many people begin the New Year with a strategy of being more aware of their health and well-being. Some plan to eat healthier, exercise regularly or quit smoking – which are a great start. But there are...
How To Prevent Pink Eye
Back-to-school can mean back-to-germs. And while you’ve likely coached your kids on proper handwashing techniques this year, it’s also critically important to teach them not to touch their eyes without washing their hands first. Viruses and...
Why Depth Perception is Critical for Student Athletes
Back to school season often means back to sports—so it’s a smart move for parents to bring their student athletes in for a comprehensive eye exam before sports seasons begin. This exam may be a game-changer for your student athlete. Young eyes grow and...
6 Tips to Enhance Vision in Learning
It’s back-to-school season! And while everyone hopes that students will be able to attend class in person this year, computers and other digital screens will likely still play a significant role in your student’s education. Here’s the challenge...
How Vision and Learning Go Together
It’s back-to-school season. And whether that means in-person or virtual learning for the students in your school district, the vision needs and capabilities of school-age children remain the same. Making sure that your child has the visual skills necessary to...
How Eyelashes and Eyebrows Protect Your Eyes
Wearing a facial covering or mask—as many of us are doing this summer—draws a lot of attention to your eyes! Because of masks, you’re likely noticing other peoples’ eyes and eyebrows more than ever. Have you ever wondered why humans evolved to...
9 Home Safety Tips to Prevent Eye Injury
If you’re like most Americans, you’re spending more time than ever at home this summer. And while you’re reaching new heights in cooking, cleaning, yard work and home projects, you may not have considered that each of these activities can cause eye...
6 Sunglass Myths: Debunked
You might be spending more time outside this summer than usual, especially since many inside activities have been moved outside to lower the spread of coronavirus. Because of that, it’s more important than ever for you and your loved ones to wear high-quality...