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25 Eye-mazing Eye Facts

25 Eye-mazing Eye Facts

The human eye is a fascinating organ, second in complexity only to your brain. That’s why you can see clearly in both the bright, mid-day sunlight and also when you’re awakened suddenly from a deep sleep late at night. Without thinking about how you do it,...

Eat Your Way To Better Eye Health

Eat Your Way To Better Eye Health

As your parents always told you: You are what you eat. Science and research studies continue to confirm the fact that with every single bite or sip you put into your body, you’re either feeding or fighting disease. For example, we know that whole foods, fruits,...

10 Safety Tips For Eye Makeup

10 Safety Tips For Eye Makeup

If you’ve found yourself wearing more eye makeup in the past 12 months, you’re not alone. According to Fortune magazine, interest in and sales of eye makeup products have surged since March 2020. So-called “above-the-mask” beauty has become a...